9 Gifts You Should Never Hand Out During Christmas

Gifts You Should Never Hand Out During Christmas

Shopping for Christmas gifts can be very exhausting. This is why you need to do it as early as possible to avoid the holiday rush. If you plan to shop for gifts, don’t just buy any gift on the shelf. Instead, you will want to take your time ahead of time to prepare. When preparing, here are
nine gifts that you should never consider buying:

Gifts that Insult

Christmas is definitely not the best time of the year to insult those people who are dear to you. Avoid giving gifts that are aimed on altering the flaws of people’s physical appearance. Examples of these may include teeth whitening kit for your uncle who has ecru colored teeth. It would
also be unwise to give weightless fitness equipment to your obese mother in law, except of course if she really requested for it.

Wrong sized clothes

It is okay to give clothes to kids for Christmas because you can easily buy the larger size and still end up being assured that that the recipient can sooner or later wear them. But, to your adult friends and any other grown-ups, it is quite a risky thing to buy clothes for them as gifts.

Outrageous gadgets

Gadgets may seem like a perfect gift especially for people who are that “techy”. But, make sure that these are not too ridiculous such as a beer drinking car wheels. Some gadgets may seem funny, but in the long run, it could end up being a waste of money.

Harmful toys

If you are planning to buy some gifts for kids, make sure that these do not contain any pellets or any harmful bullets especially if you buy a gun for a boy. Always check the packaging for the appropriate age range.

Gifts you desire

Always take into consideration what the other person wants. Never make a mistake of buying gifts that only you can appreciate.

Household items

Household items may do well as a gift only if the recipient is very particular with the design and style of his home exterior or interior design. If not, household gifts may only seem too impersonal and does not contain anything that will be personally useful for the recipient.

Gifts as allergens

One you decide to buy a gift for someone whom you do not know that much makes sure that these gifts do not serve as allergens. For example, avoid buying puppies to people who are allergic to animal fur or smell. The same is true with buying those perfumes or ay scented gifts.

Same gift

Before hitting the stores for gift shopping, check out your last year’s list of gifts. This is to ensure that you will not be giving the same gift to the same person this time.

Used items

If you are on a tight budget, it is better to buy someone something small and inexpensive than giving them something that is already used. Stay away from old skis or used clothes. Otherwise, you run the risk of bickering with a friend on a Christmas Day.